July 22

The hardest thing we should learn to say…

“Tell Me More” — we tend to be “fixers” rather than listeners. Next time someone comes to you with a problem or a situation, listen — really listen after you say, “Tell me more, go on…” You’ll be surprised at how much information you gather for your stories AND how valued the other person feels.

“I was wrong.” (which is different than “I’m sorry”). Own up to your responsibility for making a mistake. It’s freeing. Think about where “I was wrong” could take on of your characters, where it will take you…

“Minds don’t rest; they reel and wander and fixate and roll back and reconsider because it’s like this, having a mind. Hearts don’t idle; they swell and constrict and break and forgive and behold because it’s like this, having a heart. Lives don’t last; they thrill and confound and circle and overflow and disappear because it’s like this, having a life.”― Kelly Corrigan